906, 2023
June 2023 – Update from the Shop!
Hello from Barn and Stable Regimental Trunks & Urns! It has been a while since last posting anything, and I'm sorry for that. I experienced a bit of a medical situation that kind of slowed [...]
1509, 2022
September 2022 – Update from the Shop
Happy Labour Day.. Well friends, it's back to school for the kids and summer is pretty much over for the rest of us. I am back in the shop and will be spending less time [...]
1711, 2021
November 2021: No Wait List!
Now's the time to take advantage of NO WAIT LIST! I have been very busy in the shop over the past 20 months and was able to get a LOT of trunks out the door! [...]
2006, 2021
June 2021: Trunk Waitlist Update
This is an update on the current waitlist status and an alert regarding some potential supply issue matters. Currently there is no wait list for trunks. Fortunately I was able to spend lots of time [...]